Gold Recovery

If you’re in the gold recovery industry you already know that large amounts of toxic chemicals are needed during the extraction process and they need to be handled properly to avoid having a negative impact on the environment. Our activated carbon products are a cost-effective way to keep you on the right side of the law in regard to environmental protection regulations and extract the largest amount of gold possible for maximum efficiency.


Activated Carbon Plays a Key Role in Gold Recovery

The extraction of gold from ores in the ground involves a leaching process which can be harmful to the environment. As it involves using cyanide to dissolve pure gold from the ores it is often found in, making a solution which is high in gold ions, the activated carbon can work efficiently to capture these ions. It binds with them and allows them to be extracted much more easily and recovered without the need for large expensive machinery or the excessive use of toxic materials. This reduces overall waste and greatly improves gold recovery rates. Our granulated activated carbon is key to this process as they have a large surface area which has a high porosity.


Benefits of Activated Carbon in Gold Recovery

Like no other product, activated carbon has remarkable adsorption capabilities thanks to the way we create it in our factory using refined techniques to develop a pore structure designed especially for efficient gold capture. The activated carbon can capture huge amounts of gold ions when it is used in the carbon-in-pulp cyanide solution. The granulated activated carbon is mixed with the solution to attract and hold the gold before it is separated and processed further beforing being stripped from the carbon. This process reduces waste and the activated carbon can even be regenerated for use time and time again. Using activated carbon to recover gold minimizes the amount of impurities it has which makes for an overall more efficient process.


Contact us today to discuss your air and gas treatment needs and discover how we can help you achieve optimal results.

Activated Carbon


